Monsoon Seminar Series

The key to the future often lies in the past. So and so series going to be held in monsoon for so and so share expriences discourse etc

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Decent Work and Economic Growth

Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all

About the track

United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 8 is about Decent Work and Economic Growth. SDG 8 focuses on “Promoting inclusive and sustainable economic growth, employment, and decent work for all. Despite global challenges, including multiple crises threatening the global economy, there have been improvements. Global real GDP per capita growth is forecasted to slow down in 2023, and more workers are turning to informal employment.” Innovations like “Digital platforms for job matching and skills development” and “Microfinance initiatives for small businesses” are aiding in reaching the targets. For a detailed analysis, stay tuned for our case study on innovations in SDG 8, releasing very soon.

  • Last updated

    2024-06-27 16:48:46 UTC

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