Monsoon Seminar Series

The key to the future often lies in the past. So and so series going to be held in monsoon for so and so share expriences discourse etc

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Responsible Consumption and Production

Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns

About the track

United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 12 is about Responsible Consumption and Production. SDG 12 focuses on “Ensuring sustainable consumption and production patterns, crucial for sustaining the livelihoods of current and future generations. Our planet is facing resource depletion amid growing populations. If global population reaches 9.8 billion by 2050, nearly three planets would be needed to sustain current lifestyles.” Innovations like “Circular economy initiatives to reduce waste and promote recycling” and “Sustainability reporting and transparency in business practices” are aiding in reaching the targets. For a detailed analysis, stay tuned for our case study on innovations in SDG 12, releasing very soon.

  • Last updated

    2024-06-27 16:50:14 UTC

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